Eltérő talajművelés hatására megváltozott talaj néhány fizikai és kémia jellemzőjének összefüggése
Tolner Imre Tibor*, Szalay Kornél, Jolánkai Márton, Birkás Márta, Pósa Barnabás, Neményi Miklós, Fenyvesi László, Tolner László
*Széchenyi István Egyetem Mezőgazdaság- és Élelmiszertudományi Kar Biológiai Rendszerek és Élelmiszeripari Műszaki Tanszék
By the effect of tillage such chemical and physical changes occur in soils that can change the optical properties of soils. Our experiments were carried out on soil samples from the Józsefmajor Experimental Farm of Szent István University where long-term tillage experiments started in 2002. We investigated the changes on topsoil samples that were formed due to the six different tillage strategies. Hyperspectral reflectance of soil samples were measured by ASD FieldSpec ® 3 Max portable spectroradiometer in the laboratory.
It was found that the spectral methods applied proved to be reliable determining soil humus quality and hygroscopicity induced by various tillage practices.