Biomassza hamu alkalmazhatóságának vizsgálata talajsavanyúság javítására

Czinkota Imre, Fekete György, Gulyás Miklós, Tolner László, Sebők András, Köles Péter

Szent István Egyetem

The liming - the process of decreasing the soil acidity, by CaCO3 – is classic method used by soil remediation. In our experiments, we used small lime particle which slowly dissolved by soil solution, then reacting with hydrogen ions. As the result of this reaction some carbon dioxide gas is produced, that mixes with the gases in the atmosphere, and increase the green house effect. There are at least two advantages for use some biomass ash to decrease of soil acidity instead of lime. First of all, the usage of the alkali components of biomass, - the produced carbon dioxide ash - is originated from the atmosphere by photosynthesis or chemical reactions, while the lime originated carbon dioxide is originated from fossil sources. Second of all, the advantages of ash treatment is the chemical composition of biomass ash, which is containing almost all macro and micro nutrient element in almost equal composition as the plant require them except the nitrogen, unfortunately. In our experiments, we investigated the alkali properties of biomass ash in different water – ash composition solution. Then we calculated the equal amount of ash and lime. After the soil liming experiment, we measured the kinetics of neutralizing effect of lime and ash.

Based on our result the parameters of ash neutralizing method can be calculated and the strong initial alkali effect of ash can be treated.