Effects of hot water extracts of a composted green waste and sewage sludge on plant germination in model experiment


1Miklós Gulyás2András Béres1László Tolner2László Aleksza 1Imre Czinkota

1SZIE, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry

2SZIE, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Department of Water- and Waste Management


Application of aqueous extract of different compost materials (called as "compost tea") in horticulture is a well known topic but the agricultural use of these products is a much less investigated subject. Compost tea application improves plant health, crop yield and quality. The primary mechanism of this response is not clearly understood. It is believed that soluble mineral nutrients, organic acids and water-soluble plant-growth regulators extracted in the tea have positive effects on initial root development and plant growth. Living microorganisms present in compost tea may also induce disease resistance as well as stimulate nutrient uptake and plant growth.

This prestudy investigated the effect of hot water extracts on germination and growing rate in laboratory model experiment. White mustard (Sinapis alba), spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and triticale (Triticosecale) was used as test plant in 4 replications. Optical method was used to investigate the germination and growing rate of the test plants during the test period. This method is based on pixel analysis. Pictures were taken from 8 different angles from the rotated plants. Pixel analysis showed that the plants had different answers to the hot water extracts. Our results show that the extracts have positive effect on seed germination and growing rate.

Keywords: compost extract, compost tea, optical analysis, laboratory model experiment