Method for the determination and interpretation of multivariate response functions


Gy. Biczók Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Budapest, Hungary

L. Tolner, University of Agricultural Sciences, Gödöllô, Hungary

Gy. Simán, University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden





            Soil fertility is influenced by the joint effect of a number of factors. The vastly increasing number of experimental treatments required as the number of variables increases causes problems when multivariate response functions are estimated, as does the interpretation of the large number of parameters in the correlation. Interpretation is complicated by the fact that the more parameters the correlation contains, the greater the problem caused by the interdependence of the estimated parameters.

            It is possible to estimate the parameters independently and to reduce the number of experiments to a realistic level if the experiments are set up according to an orthogonal factor design, though these designs are not suitable for calculating the parameters of Baule-Mitscherlich function containing combinations of exponential terms.

            The multivariate extension of the parabolic response function recommended here leads to a quadratic polynomial form, the parameters of which can be reasonably estimated by applying an orthogonal factor design. The interpretation of the model parameters was investigated considering the optimum values of the individual  factors and the possible characteristics  of the available nutrient forms in the soil.