I. Vágó1, L. Tolner2, A. Balla Kovács1, J. Kátai1
1Debrecen University, Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science,
Böszörményi Street 138, H-4032 Debrecen, Hungary, vago@agr.unideb.hu,
Telephone: +3652-508410, Fax: +3652413385
2Szent István University, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry,
Páter K. Street 1, H-2103 Gödöllı, Hungary, tolner@spike.fa.gau.hu,
Telephone: +3628-420200, Fax: +3628-410 804
The even higher acidity of our soils is a well-known phenomenon, whether it is partly a consequence of natural processes, or rather of anthropogenic activities. It can significantly limit the quality and amount of crop-yield. Therefore beside the efficient nutrient-supply we have to ensure the adequate soil pH in maize (Zea mays L.) production. Whereas changed soil pH can modify the availability of nutrients from the soil and so the nutrient supply of plants as well.
Based on a new soil acidity determination method a new technology has been developed for the amelioration of acid soils. According to this technology the amount of liming material is equal to the amount of H+ in the liquid and solid phase and the H+ deriving from protolityc reactions. The Hungarian liming recommendation system – that is based on the hydrolytic acidity – gives twice as high lime doses than the new method.
In our research work the yield and element composition of plants grown on limed and not limed soils was compared. We have chosen 3 sites with acidic and extremely acidic soil for our field experiment. We used pressed lime sludge, that has low moisture content, as liming material.
These experiments confirm the results of former experiments that the lime amount calculated from the hydrolytic acidity is excessive. This investigation proved that this lime amount decreases the maize yield and element content compared to the half dose of the calculated lime amount. These experiments showed that the present Hungarian liming recommendation system results lime overdose that is unnecessary and partly harmful.