FIT method for calculating soil
particle size distribution from particle density and settling time data
B. Kovács1,
1University of
2Szent István University, Dept. of Soil Science and
Agricultural Chemistry, Páter Károly
u. 1., H-2103 Gödöllő, Hungary;
Hegyalja u. 13, H-2151 Fót, Hungary;
Keywords: Particle size,
settling method, aerometry, calculation of SPD
Particle size distribution (PSD) is one of the
most important fundamental physical properties of soils, since it determines
the physical, chemical, mechanical, geotechnical, moreover its environmental
behavior. Although the measurement of PSD using different techniques is
commonly performed in soil laboratories, their automation and continuous PSD
curve generation are not solved yet.
However there are some physical principles,
various sensors and different data storing methods to measure the density-time
function. In the present paper a possible solution is introduced for the measurement
of the soil particle density database as a function of settling time. The
equipment used for this purpose is an areometer, that
is widely used e.g. for determining the sugar content of must, or the alcohol
content of distilled spirits, etc. The device is equipped with patent pending
capacitive sensors on the neck of the aerometer. It measures the changes in the
water levels nearby the neck of the areometer in 1 μm units with <10 μm
accuracy. The typical water level changes are 3-
The large number of measured data points led to
the introduction of a new evaluation method, the Method of FInite
Tangents or shortly the “FIT method”. The dispersed soil particle system is
considered as aggregation of many mono-disperse
systems. From this it follows that the measured density-time function can be divided
into grain-size fractions with tangent lines drawn to finite but optional
points. These tangent lines are suitable for calculating the settling speed of
a given fraction, as the changing speed of density is equal to the
multiplication of settling speed and mass of the given grain-size fraction. The
settling speed of all fractions is calculable by using the Stokes law, so the
mass of all of the floating fraction can be calculated.
Because the soil suspension is a poly-disperse system, the measured density
decrease can be considered as an integration of finite mono-disperse systems.
From this, it follows that it can be interpreted as the sum of linear density
vs. time functions. If the mass of each grain-size fraction is known, the
particle size distribution is calculable..
The method is relatively easily to programmed
and the intervals of grain size fractions are freely adjustable, so with this
program almost all types of particle size distribution are calculable, not only
those being uniform. Using the appropriate controller and evaluation program,
soil particle size distribution can be calculated immediately after downloading
the measured data. This technique does not need more sample preparation than
past methods. The automated reading lessens the manpower required for performing
the measurement - which also reduces human error sources - and provides very
detailed PSD data that has advantages, among others, like revealing
multi-modality in the particle-size distribution.